Saturday, 18 December 2004

PhD Graduation

I thought that if George Lucas can do it, then I could write a couple of prequels too (you may recall this blog actually started on the 11 Mar 05). So here is a prequel post regarding my PhD graduation which I was a bit busy at the time to write up. In brief:

  • Graudated at the morning ceremony on Thursday 16 December 2004.

  • Gaynor and my parents (who kindly flew down from Brisbane) were in attendance.

  • Thesis title is Tomographic Visible Spectroscopy of Plasma Emissivity and Ion Temperatures and though it is not read out at the ceremony (as has been the case for some other graduations I have been to at other universities) it was printed in the program.

  • p1150022_cp_sm

    Getting 'hooded' at the ceremony ...

  • Had time for a couple of quick photographs before Gaynor and my parents had to rush off. We were quite busy that day!

  • I toddled (or rather strode purposefully) across campus to the annual departmental Christmas party/lunch. I was definitely (mock-) surprised to find out that formal academic attire wasn't required!

A couple more quick photos:


What?! It isn't formal attire??


The Formal Pose in the Garden